Check the pH levels first.
The first thing you should do is check the pH levels of your pool. The pH level of your water determines how acidic or basic it is and can affect the algae growth in your pool. Algae grows best in acidic environments, so if your pool's pH is too high (between 7.6 and 8) or too low (below 7), you'll need to adjust it before treating your green pool with muriatic acid. If you don't already have a test kit, purchase one at an outdoor retailer before testing the water in your swimming pool. Follow these steps to determine the right amount of muriatic acid you will need:
Take out a sample cup from your test kit; fill it halfway with water from one side of the pool; then mix some drops from both sides together until they become clear;
Once all of these steps are complete, dip in one drop from each side of this mixture into separate cups filled with distilled water; add another drop if necessary for clarity; then compare them side by side using a ruler—the darker color corresponds with lower pH levels while lighter colors represent higher ones;
If either color matches up within 0-0.2 units on either side then there's no need for further adjustments since no major changes have occurred since last year's swimmers left behind their chloramines when they got out after swimming laps earlier today."
Super-chlorinate and brush the pool carefully.
Super-chlorinate the pool: Use a pool brush to scrub the pool thoroughly, removing as much debris as possible. Partially fill a bucket with your super-chlorinated shock treatment solution, then add water until you have about 5 gallons of solution total, and sprinkle this over the surface of your green pool.
Brush again: Carefully brush all surfaces of your green pool using an ultra-fine mesh leaf skimmer or netting attached to an extendable pole so that you can reach into tight corners and along walls without having to get into the water yourself (which may be unsafe due to poor visibility). Cleaning in this way will help ensure that all contaminants are removed from each area they were trapped in before you begin brushing again—or even sweeping up—and thus reduce their impact on how quickly your water returns to clear condition after treatment is complete
Add algaecide.
Algaecide is a chemical that works to kill algae. It's added to the pool in order to prevent algae from growing and multiplying. Algaecide comes in liquid form or powder form and is usually added according to the directions on its package. When adding algaecide, make sure you add it after you have super-chlorinated your pool (see below) because chlorine can harm your algaecide instead of help it work better.
Run the filter continuously until the water clears up.
Now that you’ve added the proper amount of shock, it’s time to get your filter running. A pool pump timer will make this job much easier as you won’t have to worry about remembering when to turn off the filter or having a dull moment where you forget and then spend the next hour searching through hundreds of things trying to find what you forgot.
It can take anywhere between 24 hours and 48 hours before the water is clear enough for swimming. You will know when this happens because algae will start turning brown or black once it is removed from sunlight and oxygen. The water should be clear enough for swimming by then! However, if you notice any light green coloration after 48 hours (or less), continue running your filtration system until all traces of algae are gone and there isn’t even a hint of barely visible sediment left behind in your pool
Clean up dead algae with a skimmer or vacuum.
Once you've removed all the dead algae, it's time to clean up your pool. You can either use a skimmer or a vacuum to do this.
A: If you have a smaller pool, use a skimmer. You'll want to experiment with different methods of using the skimmer by adjusting how low you drop it into the water and how fast you move through its path (just like when learning to drive). Once you get comfortable with using the tool, skim away any remaining debris from around edges or corners of the pool.
B: If your pool is larger than 25 feet by 25 feet (about 7 meters by 7 meters), use a vacuum instead of a skimmer because vacuums are more powerful than skimmers and can pull out more debris at once—which means fewer trips back and forth across your backyard!
Check the water again and add any needed chemicals
The next thing you'll want to do is check the water again and add any needed chemicals. Check the pH levels, chlorine levels and algaecide levels. If you have a saltwater pool (which we recommend), then also make sure that your calcium hardness/alkalinity ratio is in line as well.
Now that everything's looking good, it's time to clean out your filter basket and pump strainer—and maybe even give them a scrub if they're really dirty with algae or other debris. It's also a good idea now to run some fresh water through all of your pool equipment so everything starts working together smoothly again.
Reach out to us today for more info! Our team is here to help you month to month with your pool service and assure you are happy with your pool!